I grew up in a very small village in Catalonia, where I lived until I was 21 years old. From there I moved to Barcelona to learn everything that caught my attention. I took a course in nutrition and personal training while I started my yoga practice (I was very curious about the body and mind); I studied two barchelor degrees at the University of Barcelona, Statistics and then, Market Research Techniques (I liked mathematics, research, its methodologies, and applying them to everyday subjects ). I worked in a multinational company in which I did not stop learning at all levels (personal and professional) through work experience and continuous training within the company, which gave me a Master in Business Administration from ESADE, different programs of Talent Management, Professional Coaching and Project Management in multi-departmental teams, etc. Outside the company, I was participating in NGOs (like Economists without borders, Setem, Justicia y Paz) and cooperatives such as Integral Catalana (CIC), the Penedès eco-network, and social groups like the Observatory of Debt in Globalization (ODG) ), in different tasks of economic research and facilitation of effective meetings, as well as in social theater to raise awareness about the financial system. At the same time, I continued with the personal training and nutrition courses, as well as cooking.
(For more information on training and professional career, you can check my linkedin)
During the first 6 years in the multinational, I managed to take longer than normal pleasure trips since the company offered nice flexibility in it. I guess my inner voice was already calling me to not be entertained by such an alien task and to be able to dedicate myself to my search for who I am (this search began when I was 5 or 6 years old, when I put a mirror in front of my face very close and I asked myself “who am I?”, “who am I?”, “who am I?” “who asks?” repeatedly. Although this practice, I ended up diving into my human personality).
After these 6 years working, I asked for a year of leave, taking the risk of losing that job.
I traveled through New Zealand with a van, then I wanted to go to Australia and decided to go with sailboats to learn to sail. I crewed a 55f sail boat owned by family, first time in my life I live 10 days on the wild ocean not seeing earth. When I arrived in Tonga, a Polynesian country, another plan was there for me. Life put in front of me a sailboat that was destined to be mine. I did not know how to navigate but my next adventure felt clear. I bought it (you can see a video of how I bought the boat) and I learned how to sail, through Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia, true paradises; knowing remote areas of the planet, new cultures, landscapes, their interaction, new ways of seeing life, new smells, sounds of different fauna, … and the best of all was living in my own home being transported by the wind at my will, only conditioned by natural cycles and feeling myself being them. The most incredible experience so far by then. I began to experience life from a perspective that slept within me: absolute and natural freedom, feeling more than ever the belonging to a whole. And little by little I think I began to take a slow path back towards the absolute consciousness of my true essence.
Once the year of leave ended (2010), the company kept my job for me, so I was able to return to the multinational, but feeling a deep impulse to leave that job so “well valued” socially. I wanted to live feeling freedom and being part of an activity that not only saw the maximization of economic benefits, at the same time I was afraid of leaving it, images of fear of the future came to me. But it didn’t feel natural to stay. I also wanted to align my contribution to the world with my values and with my natural talents and abilities. I believed that offering the world the skills and gifts that life gives you, adds joy to your own and collective happiness. I saw it as more natural and common sense, since everything in nature has its function and I am also nature; I did not believe that we have to survive having to work from anything other than our own values, gifts and motivations.
I announced that I was leaving the company; They asked me to wait for someone else to be found so that I could explain my tasks, I agreed. That time was lengthened by various events, both on the part of the company and mine: the birth of my nephew, my mother’s wedding , etc..
It was a very fruitful period of time in self-knowledge and confirmations. I could observe my own fears and those of others, hearing internal and external arguments to not quit the job. My quality of life, was good, I did not live at all stressed, I had fun, we had a good work environment with the colleagues and the boss; I was very well paid, I had a positive professional projection. Being in this comfortable situation, didn’t help me to leave the job so directly.
During that period, I studied a Master’s in Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment and Sustainability, with the naive intention of trying to change the company’s values from within. I also became a member of a renewable electric cooperative that was being born, Som Energia, and a social credit company Coop57; I began to understand that in the world more alternatives started to appear towards this new world in which I wanted to live.
I felt the voice inside me saying “will I one day be able to see a fair world with socially and environmentally responsible companies if I stay in this company that only moves for money? Do I want to have a comfortable life in a company not aligned with my values and wait for this new world to come? or do I want to play to create it? And finally, at the most suitable moment, the day arrived; the company had to fire a lot of employees, so, they asked me if I still wanted to leave work, I said yes and we reached a very good agreement.
On December 21, 2012, I left the company and my life in Catalonia; I jumped towards uncertainty with total freedom, although with some fear. I went back to living on the sailboat, in Sydney, where we lived for a while (a video of life in Manly, Sydney here) and after, we went sailing through the east coast of Australia and its islands.
After almost a year, I returned because my father was leaving this world. I had a month and a half to say goodbye to him; After it, I decided that I wanted to live on an island closer to my family and start from zero. I went to see Mallorca and it captivated me, I chose it.
In May 2014 I settled down to live on the island, near Palma, in a flat facing the sea, another of my dreams coming true. On it as a base, my campervan, my bike and my kayak, I discovered my new land corner by corner. I also continued to satisfy my curiosity by studying new things, and the familiar ones; also practicing both, doing and doing nothing, having all the time for it. I increased knowledge in Dietetics and Nutrition, I did a Yoga Teacher Training in India, meditation courses, cooking, massages, I did a postgraduate degree in Design for Sustainability, Biodynamic and Regenerative Agriculture courses, and a design course in Permaculture; I volunteered as yoga teacher for ex-drug addicted people, volunteered for Permaculture, in various groups and with a local organic farming producer. I updated my knowledge of Facilitation of Groups and meetings, also from the perspective of Social Permaculture, I did a course on Nonviolent Communication and at the same time, I practiced personal-professional Coaching with entrepreneur.
I also collaborated managing projects for the sustainability of the campus at the University of the Balearic Islands; on a platform called SmartUIB. I stimulated and facilitated meetings of social groups, associations, cooperatives and participatory processes; We did this from a cooperative that we were creating:
Currently I am dedicated to sharing yoga, retreats and massages and all this combining it with specific collaborations as a sailor and cook on sailboats in the Mediterranean and the South Pacific (you can see my nautical curriculum in the start of this page). As if that were not enough, the possibility of immersing myself in the fascinating and infinite world of ceramics has just come into my life…
A lifestyle has been created according to my being and that allows me to continue enjoying the magic of life, its joy and the love that surrounds it. I continue enjoying and sharing my gifts and hobbies such as the sea, sailing, mountains and hiking, singing, dancing, acrobatics, cooking, eating, painting, reading, silence and of course, the simple being without doing.
As in my childhood, I continue to appreciate direct and continuous contact with nature and for this reason, I try to make my yoga sessions, retreats and massages, in nature or with beautiful views from my space facing the sea or on boats. You can check my services in “For you“.
This has been a summary of my personal-professional-discoveries trajectory; If you want to share something with me or book yoga sessions, massages or retreats, do not hesitate to contact me. It will be a pleasure.